The event began with a
welcoming ceremony and presenting a garland around the main celebrant, SVD’s
and SSpS’ mission pioneers, as well as other special guests with a traditional
welcoming dance called Bidu.
In addition, the
Eucharistic celebration was also celebrating 40 Years of Fr. Lazarus Mau, SVD,
in religious life, 25 Years of Sr. Imaculada de Almeida, SSpS, in religious
life, and the solemn profession of three SSpS sisters: M. Anita, SSpS, Lucia
Bata, SSpS dan Elsa P. Soares, SSpS.
The Eucharist was
wonderfully participated by a choir group led by Fr. Yohanes Suban Gapun
(Mission Secretary SVD-TLS), with Fr. Gabriel Suban Koten, SVD - Regional SVD
Timor Leste - as the main celebrant, and around 80 religious and diocesan
priests as co-celebrants. In his homily, Fr. Gabriel emphasised the main focus
of the celebration was not to count our successes nor failures in our 40 years
of mission, but rather, to thank God who has accompanied the journey of
SVD-SSpS in these 40 years in Timor Leste.