Thursday, August 28, 2014


Pada, Senin 25 Agustus 2014 terjadi penyerahan Director Colegio do Verbo Divino, Palaka dari Pe. Ferdinand Resuena, SVD kepada Pe. Rikardus Pasang, SVD.
Penyerahan dimulai dengan Ekaristi kudus yang dipimpin oleh Pe, Josè Taçain, SVD, sebagai representasi pater Regional. Dalam homilinya, pater Josè menengaskan bahwa setiap misionaris SVD siap untuk mengemban tugas baru dan siap untuk bekerja di mana saja sesuai dengan amanat Konstitusi Serikat. Oleh karena itu, pergantian director Colegio, tegas pater Jose, adalah proses normal yang harus terjadi di dalam Serikat bukan karena ada unsur lain.
Pater Ferdi dalam sambutan singkatnya menyampaikan terima kasih banyak kepada semua komponen yang telah bekerja bersamanya di Colegio. 

Sementara itu, Pe Rikard, menegaskan bahwa dia siap menjalankan tugas sebagai director Coelgio sebagaimana yang diamanatkan oleh Konstitusi dan sesuai dengan kapasiatas yang dimiliki. Kepada semua komponen yang ada, Rikar meminta sebuah paket kerja sama. Menurut Rikard, dengan bekerja sama, maka kapasitas yang ada bisa lebih efektif dan efisien demi memajukan colegio.

Turut hadir dalam misa penyerahan ini adalah siswa-siswi Colegio, Guru-guru dan beberapa pastor SVD lainya. Penyerahan ditandai dengan pembacaan SK dan handover Letter, oleh sekertaris regio, sebelum ditandatangai oleh director lama dan baru serta saksi, pater Jose.


Fr. Manoj, SVD
My first Easter Celebration as a Priest.

I waited 15 years to reach to the altar of the Lord and having reached to my goal, I was sent to a distant land which half of the world population do not know where it is because on the global map it is just but a dot: Timor Leste as it is known in Potuguese, one of the newest countries in the world. There have been many wonderful experinces which I could enumerte here but the one which is the best so far that I would like to share here is that: my first Easter celebration as priest. 

During the Holy Week, I had an opportunity to give my priestly assitence in Hatolia, a parish of Dili diocese in Ermera district. From the passion Sunday until Easter I was there. I could never forget the love and care showed to me by the parish priest, and especially by the faithfuls in two stations Sare and Manusae. The parish priest Father Natalino de Jesus asked me to celebrate  Easter with the people in Manusae. I was accompanied by one religious sister  and three Seminarians. Many people participated in the mass. I will ever cherish the memories of my presence in Manusae. I remember everyday walking on foot through the woods, climbing up the mountains crossing the rivers fooded with heavy flow of water and walking across through the ponti (bamboo bridge).  But what was even more amazing that I never heard any complaining word from them. Moreover once the mass would be over they accompanied me down the mountains until I reached the residence of the parish

Fr Manoj with the youth in Ermera
Just a few months since I  arrived in Timor Leste but I have already discovered the love of the people towards the religious missionaries and priests. Another thing that I enjoyed was simple food which they offered me. Though food was not very spicy like I used to eat in my home country but tasty indeed because blended with love. I ate whatever they provided though certain dishes I never ate in India but here I have basically tasted everything which is otherwise considered taboo, holy or dirty else where. 

The memories of Easter 2014 will ever remain alive with me.
I thank God for choosing me to be a missionary in Timor Leste. 
Though my new country has various problems but I am positive that with the time everything will be in place. (Fr. Manoj, SVD)


            Escola Pre-Secundario Católica Macadique harí iha tinan 1987 ho Santa Maria de Fátima mak sai Padrueira. Desde uluk to’o agora Congregação SVD mak sai Director ou Kepala Sekolah ba Eskola ne’e. Iha tempu Indonesia, escola ne’e ho naran Sekolah Menengah Pertama Katolik (SMPK) Makadiki. Iha tempu nebá, Escola ne’e sai “naran-boot” tamba disiplina no kualidade ne’ebe di’ak. Maibe, iha tempu Timor Leste hetan independencia, komesa tinan 2000 to’o agora, Eskola ne’e nia naran lakon husi publiku, disiplina no kualidade la hanesan iha tempu Indonesia. Ema barak ko’alia: “Tansa SMPK Makadiki agora la hanesan uluk?” Pergunta ne’e presiza resposta husi parte oi-oin.
            Iha tinan 2010, Ministerio da Educação forma sistema foun ho naran Estabelecimentos Integrados de Ensino Básico. Nune’a, Escola Pre-Secondaria 02 Macadique sai Ensino Básico Central (EBC) Católica Santa Maria de Fátima Macadique. Escola ne’e sai sentru ba administrasaun Educação husi Ensino Básico Filial Católica (SDK) Macadique no Ensino Básico Filial Católica (SDK) Sana-Uaitame. Maibe, iha tinan 2013 Ensino Básico Filial Católica (SDK) Macadique integra ho Ensino Básico Central Católica Santa Maria de Fátima Macadique ne’ebe konsentra iha Assamatadu’u-Macadique. Nune’e, Ensino Básico Central hahú husi klase 1 (SD) to’o klase 9 (SMP klas 3).
            Tinan ida ne’e, 13 Maiu, EBC. Católica Santa Maria de Fátima Macadique selebra aniversario ba tinan 27. Tamba ne’e, iha loron ruanulu resin lima fulan Janeiru 2014 forma kedas Comissão Organizadora Festa Padrueira Escola ne’ebe chefe mak Professor Aquelino Fernandes. Maibe, iha momentu forma Comissão ne’e mosu idea atu inan-aman sira mós bele partisipa iha Festa Padrueira Escola ne’e tamba dala barak Escola selebra Festa Padrueira nian, Professor no alunus de’it mak partisipa. Nune’e, iha loron sanulu resin-lima fulan Fevereiru tinan 2014 Director da Escola no Comissão Organizadora aprezenta idea ida ne’e ba inan-aman sira hotu. Inan-aman sira aseita idea ida ne’e no hakarak atu forma sub-comissão atu reforça Comissão Escola nian. Iha loron ida fulan Marsu tinan 2014 inan-aman sira halo inkontru hamutuk no konsege Forma Sub-Comissão Festa Padrueira Escola ne’ebe inklui iha laran Secretario Suco Macadique, Antigo Alunos no Inan-Aman.
            Iha loron sanulu resin-lima fulan Marsu tinan 2014, Comissão hamutuk ho secção ne’ebe forma tiha ona aprezenta aktividades alunus sira nian iha Festa Padrueira Escola. Actividades ne’e fahe tuir secção ne’ebe iha, hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
1. Secção Desporto: actividades ne’ebe hala’o maka Futebol mane, Volybol mane no feto, Tata Kanuru mane no feto, Halai Estafeta mane no feto, Marcar Passo.
2. Secção Certame/Kadi Kakutar: Kadi Kakutak sei halo ba 1o- 2o Ciclo (Klase 4-6 SD) no 3o Ciclo (Klase 1-3 SMP).
3. Secção Artes e Cultura: actividades ne’ebe hala’o maka Canta (grupu), Puizia, Pinturas.
4. Secção Liturgia: Actidade ne’ebe halo mak Lê Biblia.

Iha loron rua nulu resin-neen fulan Marsu tinan 2014 Comissão no Sub-Comissão inkontru hamutuk hodi koalia fila-fali konaba actividades, Fundus, no Premio ba manan na’in sira. Husi sorumutuk ida ne’e nia rezultadu mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
1. Actividades ba alunus sira hanesan mensiona iha leten. Maibe, iha loron sanulu resin-rua fulan Maiu tinan 2014 sei halo jogu amizade Futebol mane no volybol mane no feto entre reprezentante Professor/ra no alunus hasoru reprezentante inan-aman.
2. Fundus ba Konsumu festa ida ne’e maka contribuição professor-professora no inan-aman ($ 5 kada familia ida).
3. Premio ba manan na’in sira sei mai husi Amo nu’udar Director da Escola.

Actividades hirak ne’e loke iha loron tolu fulan Maiu tinan 2014 no taka iha loron sanulu resin-rua fulan Maiu tinan 2014. Actividades ne’e la’o ho di’ak no susesu maske iha actividades balun ne’ebe seidauk prepara ho di’ak. Actividades hirak ne’e la’o ho objectivo atu bele hasa’e talentu no kapasidade alunus sira nia iha area oi-oin: desporto, certame, canta, puisia, pinturas no lê Biblia. Iha parte seluk, jogu amizade entre reprezentante Professores no alunus hasoru reprezentante inan-aman sira sai hanesan animação ida no bele hametin unidade no fraternidade.

            Iha loron sanulu resin-tolu fulan Maiu tinan 2014 sei halo Missa Agradecimentu ne’ebe diriji husi Reitor SVD Distrito Viqueque, Pe. Rikardus Pasang, SVD, ho Conselebrante: Pe. Petrus Day, SVD, Pe. Kampianus Tagul, SVD, Pe. Manuel Manoj Kharady, SVD, no Pe. Agustinus Tue Amunmama, SVD. Iha Misa Agradesimentu ne’e partisipa mós lider lokais, Madre sira, convidados, antigos alunos, professores, aman-inan, no alunos sira. (Chaempt, SVD)