Thursday, January 24, 2013


Iha loron 15 de janeiro, Familia Arnaldina haksolok teb-tebes hodi selebra loron boot Santo Arnaldo Jansen nian, fundador hosi Congregações toluːSVD, SSpS no SSpS-AP. Loron kmanek ida ne’e hahu ho Triduo nebe sei halao iha comunidade SVD no SSpS nian iha cidade Dili. Loron primeiro hot-hotu halibur hamutuk iha comunidade SSpS Saraka Laran- Becora, hodi reflete kona ba Santo Arnaldo Jansen nia fiar nebe lori nia ba descobre Maromak nia vontade iha acontecimento lor-loron.
Iha loron segundo, comunidade de formasaun Postulantado mak dirige iha Comoro. Reflesaun ba loron segundo mak kona ba aspekto missionario Santo Arnaldo Janssen nian, nebe continua too ohin loron liu husi nia membros sira iha mundo tomak. Iha momento neba, ida-idak reflete hikas fali kona ba presensa SVD, SSpS, SSpS-AP no missionarios leigos sira iha kontinete lima (5) liu hosi simbolos lilin cores lima: cor mean representa Amerika, cor mutin representa Europa, cor kinur representa Asia, cor modok representa Afrika, no cor ajul representa Oceania.
Ba dala ikus, loron terceiro nian, sei celebra hamutuk iha Comunidade SVD Kuluhun. Tema ba loron terceiro mak kona ba Espirito Santo nia kbi’it nebe boot teb-tebes iha Santo Arnaldo Janssen nia moris. Devosaun nebe bo’ot tebes ba Maromak Espirito Santo lori nia ba consagra nia-an tomak ba Espirito Santo hodi buka deit nia hakarak, maske desafio oi-oin mak nia hasoru.
Nune’e, preparasaun tomak hosi Triduo  durante loron tolu nian, lori membros hotu SVD no SSpS ba to’o Atabae hodi hamutuk hasae agradece ba Aman Maromak liu hosi Missa Santa nebe Amo Marsal Dias, Canceler de Diocese Maliana nian mak preside.  Digna tebes atu hasae agradece ba Nai tan nia rasik mak convida, hili no bolu ema ida-idak atu servi nia Reino, tuir Karisma no Espiritualidade Familia Arnaldina nian.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Uma Dato adalah sebuah istana adat, rumah adat, budaya, suci, tempat bersemi dan bertumbuhnya  sebuah keluarga yang beradat, tempat Rai Dato bermukim.
Keluarga yang beradat adalah keluarga yang menghargai nilai-nilai adat sosial dan religius. Keluarga yang baik, oleh karena itu, harus dibangun di atas konsep fundamen uma Dato, rumah adat
yang menghargai nilai-nilai kehidupan, moral, kultural, dan nilai-nilai transendental.
Pada bulan Oktober 2012, Tim Komisi Keluarga SVD Timor Leste menerbitkan edisi perdana "Uma Dato", yaitu sebuah majalah yang mengupas dan menegaskan panggilan suci keluarga-keluarga Kristiani  sebagai "Gereja Domestik" (Ecclesia Domestica). Edisi"Uma Dato" yang telah terbit dapat dibaca melalui link di bawah:

Redaksi :
P. Kasmir Nema, SVD
P. Beny Ndiu, SVD
P. Domi L. Nahak, SVD

Anggota :Tim Komisi Keluarga SVD
Timor Leste

Marsel Aplasi

Alamat Redaksi: Centrù Akompanhamènto Espiritual Ba
Familia Kongregasauan Misionàrio Do Vèrbo Divìno (SVD),
Rua nova Taibesi California Culuhun, Dili, Timor Leste


Click di bawah untuk membaca berita regio Timor Leste:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


(Catatan: Surat dari Pater Regional dalam Berita Regio Edisi Desember 2o12)

Iha tinan 2012 ne’e, ba ita Verbita no membro Uma Kreda Katolika, iha acontesimentus boot tolu nebe marka profundamente ita nia identidade nuudar religiosu no missionariu. Iha nivel kongregasaun nian, ita hala’o ona Capitulo Geral ba dala XVII hodi marka diresaun kongregasaun nian ba tinan nen ba oin ne’e. Ba Uma Kreda Katolika, ita mos iha evento boot ida kona ba Sínodu Bispo sira nian nebe koalia kona ba Evangelizasaun foun. Evangelizasaun foun ne’e la’os buat ida nebe ita hili ka opta ba ita nia knaar maibe expressaun identidade Uma Kreda nian katak Igreja husi nia natureza mak missionaria (AG.2). Cada membru Uma Kreda presija iha konsiensia no kompromissu ba knaar evangelizasaun iha ninia kontestu rasik hodi uza meius no metodus nebe adekuadus ho realidades ka kontestu no necesidades hirak ne’e. Papa Bento XVI mos promulga “Ano da Fé” ka tinan fiar nian liu husi documentu official “Porta Fidei” nebe marka katak tinan fira nian ne’e hahu iha loron 11 Outubru 2012 to’o 24 Novembru 2013. Santo Padre mos hato’o razaun principal ruma katak atu komemora tinan 50 dolumentu Concilio Vaticano II no tinan 20 Catecismo da Igreja Catolica i atu sarani tomak haklean fiar, haburas caridade no hametin esperansa iha Maromak.
       Eventos boot tolu ne’e importante tebes ba ita Verbita ho ita nia maluk leigos/as sira nebe kolabora ho ita iha knaar missionariu nebe deit, liu-liu iha Regiaun Timor Leste ne’e atu ita sai nafatin sinal de unidade na diversidade iha aspecto oi-oin moris ne’e; aspecto social, cultural, religioso, economico, politico no seluk-seluk tan. Iha mundo ida ohin loron nebe kanek hela ho divisaun no konflitos, ita simu responsabilidade boot atu sai ponte ka laletek hodi liga ema, grupo ka povo nebe fragmentado ka dividido tan interesses oi-oin. Atu bele sai ponte ida nebe forte, ita hahu uluk husi ita nia komunidade. Ita rasik, iha ita nia kongregasaun, iha regiaun no iha komunidade, ita nebe moris hamutuk no servizu hamutuk, ita mai husi rai, tribo no nasaun oi-oin. Realidade vida comunitaria ita nian nebe solidu i nakonu ho domin mak bele sai sasin ida nebe diak no forte iha mundo dividido ohin loron. Wainhira ita sei mout hela iha pensamento tribal estreito, ita, na verdade, la’os deit la fo sasin diak kona ba moris intercultural, maibe ita halo mate “essensia katolika” husi ita nia Uma Kreda rasik i hamate no hafoer essensia internacionalidade kongregasaun nian.
       Aproveita loron boot Natal no Ano Novo 2013 ne’e, ha’u konvida confrades sira hotu atu metin nafatin iha kompromissu missionariu hodi la’o tuir prioridade hat Ad Extra nian nebe ita marka ona iha assembleia socializasaun resultadu kapitulu geral nian katak primeiru, Evangelizasaun primeiru no foun; segundu, Familia no Joventude; terseiru, Migrasaun no kuartu, Edukasaun. Ita mos la haluhan ba parte Ad Intra nian mak Espiritualidade, Komunidade, Lideransa, Finansa no Formasaun. Ita hala’o buat hirak ne’e hotu ho fiar nebe metin iha Maromak. Nuudar Kongregasaun Liafuan Maromak nian, ita hala’o knaar missionariu hirak ne’e ho fiar no ksolok tanba Liafuan Maromak Nian ne’e halo-An ba ema no hela iha ita leet. Nia mak bolu ita, akompaña no guia ita ho Nia domin la iha rohan. Fiar iha Nia, lori ita hatene dalan sai husi incerteza ba certeza Maromak nian iha Tinan Foun 2013 ne’e. Nia mak Emmanuel, Maromak horik ho ita ema.
Boas Festas do Santo Natal e Feliz Ano Novo ba ita hotu. (Pe. Gabriel Suban, SVD, Regional)

Monday, January 21, 2013

QUASED PAROQUIA De Nossa Senhora Do Rosario Fatima Uatucarbau

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Church of Uatucarbau
QUASED PAROQUIA De Nossa Senhora Do Rosario Fatima Uatucarbau is a developing Parish in the Diocese of Baucau, Timor Loro Sae (East Timor). The Parish was established in October 2010 in the district of Uatucarbau, and it has been very much alive since then.

To date, the parish has 6,000 parishioners. Due to the wide and large area of the Parish, there are 9 (nine) outstations. The furthest outstation is four-hour driving distance from the parish centre which is located in Uatucarbau. The priests are ministering to the people at these outstations occassionally. The Sacraments of the Eucharist, Baptism, Marriages, as well as funerals are always in demand at one place or the other.

At the parish, there are two priests, namely Fr. Simon Sido, SVD (Parish Priest), and Fr. Kasmir Nema, SVD (Assistant Parish Priest). Fr. Simon has been stationed at the parish since January 2011, whereas I arrived in January 2012. Both of us are tirelessly ministering to the parishioners although the resources are meagre. (Kasmir Nema)
Parish Priest: Fr. Simon Sido, SVD
Assistant: Fr. Kasmir Nema, SVD

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